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Director’s Report
Consideration of the January 9, 2025, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
I. Semi-Annual Report of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee on Water/Wastewater Impact Fees (Deidre VanLangen)
II. Semi-Annual Report of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee on Drainage Impact Fees (Deidre VanLangen)
Platting Activities a & b
c. Replats requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Dorianne Powe-Phlegm, John Cedillo, and Antwanysha Berry)
d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (John Cedillo, Aracely Rodriguez, and Devin Crittle)
e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests (Petra Hsia)
f. Reconsiderations of Requirement (Petra Hsia and Devin Crittle)
Platting Activities g - j
k. Development Plats with Variance Requests (Fabian Esqueda, Ed Buckley, and Ramon JaimeLeon)
IV. Establish a public hearing date of February 20, 2025
V. Consideration of an Off-Street Parking Variance at 1002 W 11th Steet (Ed Buckley)
VI. Consideration of an Off-Street Parking Variance at 1126 W Gray Street (Ramon Jaime-Leon)
VII. Consideration of a Hotel at Hillcroft Hotel/Motel located at 6200 Hillcroft Avenue (Devin Crittle)
Jan 23, 2025 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Director’s Report
Consideration of the January 9, 2025, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
I. Semi-Annual Report of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee on Water/Wastewater Impact Fees (Deidre VanLangen)
II. Semi-Annual Report of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee on Drainage Impact Fees (Deidre VanLangen)
Platting Activities a & b
c. Replats requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Dorianne Powe-Phlegm, John Cedillo, and Antwanysha Berry)
d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (John Cedillo, Aracely Rodriguez, and Devin Crittle)
e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests (Petra Hsia)
f. Reconsiderations of Requirement (Petra Hsia and Devin Crittle)
Platting Activities g - j
k. Development Plats with Variance Requests (Fabian Esqueda, Ed Buckley, and Ramon JaimeLeon)
IV. Establish a public hearing date of February 20, 2025
V. Consideration of an Off-Street Parking Variance at 1002 W 11th Steet (Ed Buckley)
VI. Consideration of an Off-Street Parking Variance at 1126 W Gray Street (Ramon Jaime-Leon)
VII. Consideration of a Hotel at Hillcroft Hotel/Motel located at 6200 Hillcroft Avenue (Devin Crittle)
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