3. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-TWO, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (LELAND WOODS ZONE):
Position One - LORNIA ANN PARKER, reappointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2023
Position Two - KIMBERLY A. LEE, appointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2024
Position Three - ANIBETH CAROLINA TURCIOS, reappointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2023
Position Four - CHARLES EDWARD NOBLE, JR., reappointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2024
Position Five - BRYAN SMART, reappointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2023, and to serve as Chair for a term ending12/31/2023
Position Six - IVORY MAYHORN, appointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2024
Position Seven - ABUR ABNER LYONS, appointment, for a term to expire 12/31/2023