Reading of the City Council Agenda
Descriptions or captions of Agenda items read by the City Secretary prior to commencement of city council.
Miscellaneous: 1-2 Accept Work: 3,5, 8-13 Property: 14 Purchasing and Tabulation: 15-17,19 Ordinances: 23-26,29,30,32,33,35
Consideration of Consent Agenda
Accept Work: 4,6,7,9 Purchasing and Tabulation: 18,20 Ordinances: 21,22,27,28,28A,28B,31,34,36
Reading of the City Council Agenda
Descriptions or captions of Agenda items read by the City Secretary prior to commencement of city council.
Miscellaneous: 1-2 Accept Work: 3,5, 8-13 Property: 14 Purchasing and Tabulation: 15-17,19 Ordinances: 23-26,29,30,32,33,35
Consideration of Consent Agenda
Accept Work: 4,6,7,9 Purchasing and Tabulation: 18,20 Ordinances: 21,22,27,28,28A,28B,31,34,36