Reading of City Council Agenda
Descriptions or captions of Agenda items read by the City Secretary prior to commencement of city council.
REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the HOUSTON COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES: Position One - MS. PEGGY R. (CHAVIS) GARRETT, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Three - MS. TINA X. WILLIAMS, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Five - MS. KRUPA PARIKH, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Seven - MS. JO ANN FORMBY, Psy. D., appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Nine - MR. WILBUR C. “BUDDY” OSBORNE, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Eleven - MS. ELLEN J. GOUDEAU, reappointment, and to serve as Chair, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Alternate Position One - MR. ALAN J. MORTON, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Alternate Position Two - MS. JAZMIN ALMLIE-RYAN, appointment, for an unexpired term ending 7/26/2012 Alternate Position Three - MS. KAREN BAYS PETTY, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013
Consideration of Consent Agenda
Miscellaneous: 2 - 3 Purchasing and Tabulation of Bids: 5 - 8, 10 - 10A Resolutions and Ordinances: 11 - 19
SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE regarding the designation of a Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone for BVSW GARDEN OAKS, L.P. (BVSW GARDEN OAKS L.P. REINVESTMENT ZONE) DISTRICT C ? COHEN HEARING DATE - WEDNESDAY - 9:00 A.M. - MAY 9, 2011
Reading of City Council Agenda
Descriptions or captions of Agenda items read by the City Secretary prior to commencement of city council.
REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the HOUSTON COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES: Position One - MS. PEGGY R. (CHAVIS) GARRETT, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Three - MS. TINA X. WILLIAMS, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Five - MS. KRUPA PARIKH, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Seven - MS. JO ANN FORMBY, Psy. D., appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Nine - MR. WILBUR C. “BUDDY” OSBORNE, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Position Eleven - MS. ELLEN J. GOUDEAU, reappointment, and to serve as Chair, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Alternate Position One - MR. ALAN J. MORTON, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013 Alternate Position Two - MS. JAZMIN ALMLIE-RYAN, appointment, for an unexpired term ending 7/26/2012 Alternate Position Three - MS. KAREN BAYS PETTY, appointment, for a term to expire 7/26/2013
Consideration of Consent Agenda
Miscellaneous: 2 - 3 Purchasing and Tabulation of Bids: 5 - 8, 10 - 10A Resolutions and Ordinances: 11 - 19
SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE regarding the designation of a Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone for BVSW GARDEN OAKS, L.P. (BVSW GARDEN OAKS L.P. REINVESTMENT ZONE) DISTRICT C ? COHEN HEARING DATE - WEDNESDAY - 9:00 A.M. - MAY 9, 2011